Monday 2 May 2011

ACT 5- Self Reflection

I am feeling very sad about the death of Romeo and Juliet. I know that I am definitely not to blame for her death, as I am the only one who ACTUALLY cared for her, but I still have very much regret.

Without me being in her life, I am sure she would have met her destiny much much sooner unfortunately. However, she would have also never met Romeo, experienced true love, and died with him. I just wish I could go back five years and tell her parents how much she needed them in her life to set her straight, as I truly believe that could have changed this whole situation.

“Pray you, sir, a word: and as I told you, my young lady bade me inquire you
out;” – Nurse to Romeo
This shows that from the start I have encouraged Juliet to go after who she loves. Even though I did not agree with Romeo, I saw how happy he made her, and wanted her to be happy.

“Will you speak well of him that kill’d your cousin?” –Nurse
This shows that I am cautious of the fact that Romeo is more upset about Romeo being exiled than poor Tybalt being dead. I dearly miss Tybalt and it seemed odd to me that she wasn’t mourning as I was. It was a case of foreshadowing her death.

xoxox nurse


OMG found this today! It is things like these that make me treasure being able to work at home, and not in those crazy hospitals! LOL

Thursday 21 April 2011

Act 4 Interview with Nurse Capulet

1.What role do you say you had in Juliet’s life?

Well I believe I was a loving mother to her, I helped her grow up to who she is today. Taught her how to speak, to dance, to sing, better yet to love and love life, unlike her mother, who has defiantly not taken enough interest in her life.

2.How do you feel about Tybalts death?

I am very deeply hurt over the loss of Tybalt. I loved that man very much and he was always so considerate towards our family. I wish he hadn’t passed away, and I send my best wishes to him.

3.How did you feel about keeping Juliet and Romeos marriage from Lady Capulet?

I felt somewhat used, and guilty that her own parents don’t know about this occurrence. But I was pleased that my exquisite Juliet is happy and found her true love.

4.Did you want Juliet to marry Paris? If so why?

Yes I do approve of her marring Paris, I believe he is a caring and smart lad, also is quite wealthy. Since her ‘husband Romeo has been exiled I think she should move on and start a loving family with Paris.

5. Did you know the reasoning for dear Juliet’s death?

No I do not and I wish to know! Oh how I miss her, how could a beloved young girl like herself have to go through this, she was just going to get married so soon and now her life is gone. I’m truly miserable and ill miss her little face always

Tuesday 19 April 2011

So Much Drama!

Oh, what an eventful few days this has been. To summarize we have had quite a few deaths in Verona. Tybalt, may he rest in peace, and Mercurtio, who died as well, which sucks too I guess. Romeo has also been banished out of Verona…Also, Romeo and Juliet sealed the deal as they say! I make the best matchmaker!  I am getting a bit frustrated of dealing with young Juliet though, suck it up honey, your husband killed a man, and is being exiled, you have an even better choice of a husband to marry, and all you can do is cry. Are you not upset over the loss of your cousin as well? Straighten your priorities out honey. “ I think it is best you married with the County. O, he’s a lovely gentleman! Romeo’s a dishclout to him.”

I am very deeply hurt over the loss of poor Tybalt, what a kind young man, who did not deserve to die. I hope he will rest in peace, and in my opinion Romeo deserves to be punished, but don’t tell Juliet I uttered those words.  “ O Tybalt, Tybalt the best friend I had! O courteous Tybalt! Honest gentleman! That ever I should live to see thee dead!”

I am overwhelmed with anxiety over the future of Verona. I have no slightest ideas over what will happen. Whether Romeo will sneak back in the city, Juliet will try to track him down, and what Paris will do when he finds out he is not Juliet’s one & only love. Not to mention how Lord and Lady Capulet will react, I do not want to be around when they make that discovery! So bye for now, wish me luck around this crazy place!

Monday 11 April 2011

My Baby Girl is Married!

 Despite my encounter with the revolting Montague boys, something good has come of my day. I came to my young Juliet with great news, that she was off to be married to a handsome, charming, sweet boy, Romeo. The only problem is that he is a Montague… I personally do not have a major issue with this, as I can see her happiness, but others (cough cough Lady Capulet), seem to have a problem with his last name. However I cannot get over how RUDE those boys were.. Treating me as if I was a young child, how dare they, I am way more mature than they ever will be, I would fight you in a second.
But I am very pleased for my little girl Juliet, Romeo is the best choice for her clearly, and oh, he is SO handsome.. If only I had a man for myself as delicious as him. I am very pleased with myself for keeping Juliet waiting for an answer, after her waking me, demanding me to do her dirty work, how dare she, I am an intelligent nurse, not a messenger. I had some fun playing mind games with her, but in the end, she is ecstatic to get married, and I plan on doing whatever it takes to make sure she follows through. I hope when Juliet grows up she recognizes all that I have done for her, plenty more than her mother.. And hopefully her mother will appreciate everything I have accomplished in both of their lives. Maybe I will even get an award or raise! Lucky me!

Monday 4 April 2011

My Baby Juliet and a Magnificent Party

Today is the day that my little baby girl is significantly growing up. She will be searching for a soul mate shortly and I have been making suggestions for who might be a good match, for me with my good skills, I would be perfect to find her the ideal man.
Juliet’s mother Lady Capulet, had tried to talk to her about getting married and settling down with a man, ritch and up to her mothers standards of course. But again I her nurse, am only able to connect with her since I have raised her so very well. Since she was a child I fed her, bathed her, played with her and taught her all I could to make her the amazing child, I should say young woman, she is today.  

A few days ago L Capulet, threw a large party inviting many villagers. I might have drunken a little to much though.
The theme was a masquerade, so several were wearing glittery, painted masks with gem stones. Many people showed and I had made some new friends.  
Everyone had a magnificent time dancing, singing, drinking and eating. Even a man who I do not know the name of had sang a heart-warming song.
Also my baby Juliet had an encounterment with a young man by the name of Romeo. Turns out her lover was a Montague and her stern and intimidating mother will not be pleased. I feel awful for Juliet  since she claims to be truly in love with this young charming boy. I do hope all works out for my child.