Tuesday 19 April 2011

So Much Drama!

Oh, what an eventful few days this has been. To summarize we have had quite a few deaths in Verona. Tybalt, may he rest in peace, and Mercurtio, who died as well, which sucks too I guess. Romeo has also been banished out of Verona…Also, Romeo and Juliet sealed the deal as they say! I make the best matchmaker!  I am getting a bit frustrated of dealing with young Juliet though, suck it up honey, your husband killed a man, and is being exiled, you have an even better choice of a husband to marry, and all you can do is cry. Are you not upset over the loss of your cousin as well? Straighten your priorities out honey. “ I think it is best you married with the County. O, he’s a lovely gentleman! Romeo’s a dishclout to him.”

I am very deeply hurt over the loss of poor Tybalt, what a kind young man, who did not deserve to die. I hope he will rest in peace, and in my opinion Romeo deserves to be punished, but don’t tell Juliet I uttered those words.  “ O Tybalt, Tybalt the best friend I had! O courteous Tybalt! Honest gentleman! That ever I should live to see thee dead!”

I am overwhelmed with anxiety over the future of Verona. I have no slightest ideas over what will happen. Whether Romeo will sneak back in the city, Juliet will try to track him down, and what Paris will do when he finds out he is not Juliet’s one & only love. Not to mention how Lord and Lady Capulet will react, I do not want to be around when they make that discovery! So bye for now, wish me luck around this crazy place!


  1. Oh boo hoo. Honest? Hah, I laugh at your unknowing

  2. Romeo deserves nothing, and Juliet does have her priorities straight! Do you honestly think she should mourn the death of her cousin more than she should be sad for her husband’s exile?

  3. I'm actually quite happy down here thanks.

    But Nurse, now its up to you! You must keep Juliet away from the MOntagues! You must protect our family name! May the fight between the Capulets and the Montagues live FOREVER!(even if I do not...)
