Monday 11 April 2011

My Baby Girl is Married!

 Despite my encounter with the revolting Montague boys, something good has come of my day. I came to my young Juliet with great news, that she was off to be married to a handsome, charming, sweet boy, Romeo. The only problem is that he is a Montague… I personally do not have a major issue with this, as I can see her happiness, but others (cough cough Lady Capulet), seem to have a problem with his last name. However I cannot get over how RUDE those boys were.. Treating me as if I was a young child, how dare they, I am way more mature than they ever will be, I would fight you in a second.
But I am very pleased for my little girl Juliet, Romeo is the best choice for her clearly, and oh, he is SO handsome.. If only I had a man for myself as delicious as him. I am very pleased with myself for keeping Juliet waiting for an answer, after her waking me, demanding me to do her dirty work, how dare she, I am an intelligent nurse, not a messenger. I had some fun playing mind games with her, but in the end, she is ecstatic to get married, and I plan on doing whatever it takes to make sure she follows through. I hope when Juliet grows up she recognizes all that I have done for her, plenty more than her mother.. And hopefully her mother will appreciate everything I have accomplished in both of their lives. Maybe I will even get an award or raise! Lucky me!


  1. I didn't feel like reading today. My attention span is only happy when it's focused on me. I read the title though! I'm so excited that you're excited that me and her are getting married! It's so close right!

    She's so lucky that she get to wake up to this beautiful face every morning!!!!

    I'll make an attempt to care about your ranting when we are family. I'm not making an promises...

    Parisistheshizz <3

  2. Im so glad Romeo and Juliet are married now...maybe we will be able to become friends ;) (sick wh33lz)

  3. glad u dont hate us, were happy to have you in our one else though :)

  4. Ahh, yes. I married them. Finally the civil stupdity will stop.

    -Friar Lawrence OUT!

  5. How could you allow your prescious Juliet to marry the likes of Romeo, a MONTAGUE. This is honestly insane. The whole world needs to die, before they succomb to their own stupidity. This is just messed I tell ya. Just messed. I don't even know if it is fixable anymore. Honestly people grow a brain.

  6. Romeo’s married? He couldn’t be! Firstly if he was getting married, he would have asked me to be his best man! Secondly, Juliet is a Capulet; Romeo would never even consider her as his wife!

  7. I guess you'll be wanting a raise hey?

  8. lol, Nurse, I do believe you deserve a raise, it is true, you have done far more for me than my Mother has. Thankyou for doing my 'dirty work' for my earlier, I love you, Nurse.
