Monday 2 May 2011

ACT 5- Self Reflection

I am feeling very sad about the death of Romeo and Juliet. I know that I am definitely not to blame for her death, as I am the only one who ACTUALLY cared for her, but I still have very much regret.

Without me being in her life, I am sure she would have met her destiny much much sooner unfortunately. However, she would have also never met Romeo, experienced true love, and died with him. I just wish I could go back five years and tell her parents how much she needed them in her life to set her straight, as I truly believe that could have changed this whole situation.

“Pray you, sir, a word: and as I told you, my young lady bade me inquire you
out;” – Nurse to Romeo
This shows that from the start I have encouraged Juliet to go after who she loves. Even though I did not agree with Romeo, I saw how happy he made her, and wanted her to be happy.

“Will you speak well of him that kill’d your cousin?” –Nurse
This shows that I am cautious of the fact that Romeo is more upset about Romeo being exiled than poor Tybalt being dead. I dearly miss Tybalt and it seemed odd to me that she wasn’t mourning as I was. It was a case of foreshadowing her death.

xoxox nurse


OMG found this today! It is things like these that make me treasure being able to work at home, and not in those crazy hospitals! LOL